
Monday, June 10, 2013


History - We Know Panama - Philosophy
Our theory and philosophy at FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH S.A. is very clear with the Citizens and Residents in the Republic of Panama.
“Citizens, Financial Institutions, Corporations and Residents in the Republic of Panama have a concept that Panama is no ordinary country, because of the Panama Canal; however, more so it is because of the people, culture, heritage, pride and much more in the Republic of Panama. And FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH S.A. is no ordinary financial institution.
It's the way we do business, not just here at FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH S.A., but throughout Panama and Latin America, Canada, USA and Europe" said Ms. Tatiana Viktorovna Nazarova – Deputy Chairman of FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH S.A.
"There's a spirit here that's somewhat unusual for a country of this size. We have a lot of forward-thinking people willing to do the things that keep the community moving ahead politically, financially and in every day living. People in Panama work together free of discrimination, bigotry and united as a people. That's given us a solid foundation."
So, too, forward thinking has ruled the day at FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH S.A., from its beginnings more than 6 years ago when it was given birth by a noted lawyer in Panama to its merger with a major Financial Group from Miami, Florida on December 31, 2012 and the New Year of 2013 began with excitement and new directors and officers.
The FINANCIERA was just two years old when the rumors of recession hit the news by the media. Banks all over the USA and Europe were closing their doors; property owners were losing their homes, as panic-stricken customers withdrew money, as fast as they could get their hands on it. The scene was different in the Republic of Panama. Panama was vibrant and growing in the real estate sector, Zona Libre, companies opening up and success abounding.

However FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH S.A., shareholders and staff had other ideas. In a bold stroke of inspiration in 2008, we set up Pre Paid Credit Cards – branded from Master Card International, complimentary without a yearly fee or even a monthly management fee and offered Micro Finance Loans, Medical Loans and Payroll advances.
We advised the people of Panama from our then offices at Global Bank Building at Calle 50 & Calle 58 in Panama with a sign that read, "If You Need and Want Money, Come and Apply for It." That step alone sent the signal that money and loans were available and security that gave FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH S.A the distinction of being the only Financial Institution around the world that was not worried about lending money for real estate or any other financial and worthwhile reason in the Republic of Panama or in Latin America.
"It sent a strong message: FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH S.A. stands on solid ground, with paid in capital of $ 500,000.00 and assets of over ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS in “Gold Assets”. Ms. Tatiana Nazarova – Deputy Chairman of FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH S.A. said. "It's a legacy we try to live up to every day and we will continue to maintain that standard ever day.”
"Just like in a marriage, we all went through a period of adjustment," Ms. Nazarova also stated. "But today we're stronger because of our affiliations with various associations in Panama, Canada, USA and Europe. We have much greater flexibility in our loan portfolio. We have technical support through the regional data center that has allowed us to redesign job positions more effectively. We have access to products that we can adapt to our local needs and put in place quickly.
We can offer expanded services and Pronto Cash Financiera Center services. And all the while, our customers still have the service they've always gotten from us as a local Financiera with local management."
What's been the key to success for FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH? According to Ms. Tatiana Nazarova, “it's our understanding of people who need us and we are there for them”.
"We are working hard to make our Mobile Financiera Centers locations good and safe places to visit and to accomplish what people need," she said. "Our employees take a lot of pride in our facilities, and it shows in the way they look and the way they work to maintain our professionalism. Yes, we're interested in profitability. But most important, we want our customers to say they were treated well by people with a high degree of ethics and professionalism. If you don't keep that in priority, you can get off track. Fortunately, people have always known that's how they'll be treated here." 
In June of 2010 FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH moved to larger offices due to expansion and opened up on the 17th Floor of Plaza CrediCorp Bank Panama at Calle 50 & Ave. Nicanor. We also opened up several other offices in other countries worldwide.
No doubt, FINANCIERA PRONTO CASH - our heritage is as distinctive as Panama itself. Located in Central America, Panama became the stopping place for tourists from all over the country. Soon, visitors, attracted by the abundant wildlife and the reputed curative powers of the heady, pine-scented air, acquired large tracts of land and established small business ventures that today draw tourist from around the world. Panama is Paradise!
Cultures from all over the world came to Panama and made their homes here knowing Panama is a safe, financially secure and politically Democratic country to bring up your family and establish happy homes. We have Churches from many Denominations, Mosques, Synagogues, Temples and much more here in Panama, and we live together as intended by our fore fathers in Peace and in Happiness.

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